John Rustad & Kevin Falcon: everything you hated about Christy Clark’s BC Liberals … again
Rustad and Falcon were hand-picked by Christy Clark to cut health care, raise fees and tolls, and make housing unaffordable. They may have different parties now, but they'd do it all again. If you're not wealthy and well-connected, Rustad and Falcon are a risk you and your family can't afford to take.


Project for a Strong BC is a group of concerned and engaged British Columbians. We share information and analysis about major public-policy issues relevant to everyday British Columbians, such as housing, health care, and the cost of living. We use innovative advertising and communications strategies to support public education and knowledge around these issues.

Our goal is to help British Columbians make informed decisions – and help make our province even stronger in the future. Our vision is of a strong, resilient and prosperous British Columbia where everyone can share in the benefits.

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